Hisar Anatolian Shepherd Dogs

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in the UK since 1976. Fun blog page about this 'n' that!

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Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Welcome to the blog pages of The White Family. Hisar Anatolian Shepherd Dogs since 1976 and now also Kehlibar Akitas, based in the West Country. Our posts are of our dogs, old and new, and also family and friends. We only update our blog occassionally, so be sure to pop back for updates!! Enjoy!! *** Please also see our blog for our family business, AutoTek South West ***

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Several years ago, and on my old web-site, I wrote several pages on health issues in Anatolians. I have recently re-discovered the information stored on an old disk collecting dust on a shelf and thought that they may make interesting reading for newcomers to the breed, or people interested in the health of their dogs :-)

Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a condition in which abnormal formation of the hip joint results in unstable hip joint. As the affected dog ages, the hips gradually become arthritic and may degenerate to cause total crippling of the rear limbs. The exact cause is unknown but it is believed to develop because the skeleton grows faster than the supporting muscles. The imbalanced growth rate is influenced by heredity and diet. Other unknown factors may influence the development and severity of hip dysplasia. Not all dogs with hip dysplasia are affected to the same degree. The disease can be very mild and cause no signs at all, or it may be severe and crippling of the rear limbs. While the disease usually affects both hips, occasionally it only affects one side. Hindleg lameness, a swaying or staggering gait, "bunny-hopping" while running, discomfort on rising, reluctance to climb stairs or stand on the rear legs, and reluctance to run or jump are all signs of hip dysplasia. Though this disease is most common in large breeds of dogs, it may occur in any breed.

Unfortunately, not many breeders in our breed have their dogs x-rayed and scored for Hip-Dysplasia. Or, if they do have them x-rayed, they may not submit the x-ray plates for scoring on the basis of ‘out of sight, out of mind’. As with many large and giant breeds, HD is very much a real problem, and if it is not constantly monitored, can and will have disastrous consequences for the breed. If anyone ever tells you that HD is not a problem in our breed, they are lying! Ask them how their dogs score when x-rayed!

I hope to bring to you a little information about the system in the U.K for Hip Scoring in an easy to understand form. There is much literature about hereditary diseases in dogs, and I urge you to read up on as many as possible.

HD is a genetically transmitted condition, but there may be environmental factors which influence the final score, and so the final score should be regarded as an indicator of possible transmission. For the scheme to be meaningful and successful, it is important that a plate from every dog x-rayed be submitted for scoring, regardless of whether the dog is for breeding, and whatever the state of the hips, to ensure the widest possible range of information for use by breeders, clubs and geneticists, this is the only way to obtain a true picture of HD in any breed.
The procedure itself involves the dog being sedated, and the hips/pelvis area radiographed with the dog lying on its back. A clear, and even x-ray plate is required to be submitted for scoring. Once the plate is developed, it must be submitted to the British Veterinary Association (BVA) for scoring. This is done by the BVA/KC Hip Dysplasia Scheme Panel of Scrutineers. The final score given is a sum of the points awarded for each of the nine radiographic features of both hip joints – the lower the score, the lesser the degree of HD present. The best score which can be obtained for one hip is 0, and the worst score is 53, therefore, 0-0 hips being excellent, and 53-53 being the worst possible. (a total combined score from 0 to 106). Whatever the score, the results are returned to the Kennel Club, and are permanently recorded on the dog’s registration record, and will appear on the registration papers of any future progeny. The owner is sent a copy of the score sheet, with a breakdown of the scores given to the nine points.

The ‘mean score’ or ‘breed average score’ is calculated from all the scores recorded in that breed, and divided by the number of dogs scored; at least 125 Anatolian Shepherd Dogs have been x-rayed and scored, with scores ranging from 0 to 68, therefore giving a ‘mean score’ of 14. The BVA recommends that breeders wishing to reduce the risk of HD should only select their breeding stock, dogs and bitches, from animals with hip scores well below the mean score. Many visually sound dogs, or top winning show dogs may actually be suffering from varying degrees of HD, but are bred from on the basis that they are show winners – unfortunately, it is not what is on the outside that is so important, it is what is on the inside that makes the difference!

Those breeders who are working towards the preservation of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, working, pet and guardian, have a duty to ensure they are producing the best possible examples, from the best possible stock, for those who do not health test, what is their intention?
Elbow Dysplaysia
In the USA, dogs are tested for Elbow Dysplasia by the OFA. There is a scheme in the UK too which is run by the KC/BVA, but to date, only one ASD has been tested on this scheme. Again, it involves the dog being sedated, and three x-rays taken, one of the ‘extended lateral’ (side view), one of the ‘flexed lateral’ (side view) and one of the cranio-caudal’ (front view). The x-ray plates are then submitted in the same way as the hip x-rays, and scored by a panel of BVA/KC Elbow Dysplasia Scrutineers. The scoring is slightly different, with grades of 0 to 3 given for each elbow, as with hips, the lower the score the better, with 0 being excellent, and 3 being poor. A certificate with the full results is returned to the owner, and the results recorded on the dogs registration records permanently.

Again, the KC/BVA recommend that breeders select their breeding stock, dogs and bitches, with the lowest possible scores. Hopefully, ASD’s owners and breeders in the U.K will begin to take advantage of this scheme, not only to ensure they are breeding from their healthiest stock, but also, to gather as much information on the health of our breed, and to further the genetic research into hereditary diseases in our breed.

Elbow dysplasia is characterized by varying degrees of elbow incongruity, boney fragments (bone chips) , and ultimately, severe arthritic change. The term was introduced to describe generalized osteoarthritis (arthritis) of the elbow joint in which the anconeal process may be ununited, the medial coronoid of the ulna may be fragmented, and osteochondrosis of the humeral condyle may be present. Clinically, the symptoms range from an occasional, intermittent lameness in some affected dogs to severe, crippling disease in others.
Affected dogs are frequently lame or have an abnormal gait. The gait is often characterized by excessive paddling or flipping of the front feet. The animal may either hold the elbows out or tucked in and often stands with the feet rotated outward. Many sit or lie down much of the time, or play for shorter periods of time than other dogs of comparable age. They are often described as quiet or even lazy. Frequently, they are stiff when rising and tire easily. Exercise typically makes the lameness worse. In dogs with bilateral elbow dysplasia, the lameness may seem intermittent or shift from one front leg to the other.When both front legs hurt, dogs do not limp constantly, rather, they shift weight off their elbows by altering their gait and stance. These dogs will only "limp" when one elbow is more painful than the other.

The diagnosis of elbow dysplasia is made from a combination of clinical signs, palpation (manipulation) of the joints, and radiographs (x-rays). Correct radiograph technique is critical for making the diagnosis. Radiographs will reveal the incongruity of the joint. Sclerosis (increased bone density) of the ulnar notch is evident. OCD lesions and united anconeal processes are often evident. While the fragments of the coronoid process cannot readily be seen on x-ray, the coronoid process will be missing. Arthritis is often present, and can be mild to severe.
Treatment of elbow dysplasia is often a combination of medical and surgical management. The objectives of therapy are to relieve pain and maintain limb function, as well as to continue the dog at as normal an activity level as possible. Surgical removal of the fragments is recommended before the development of severe arthritis occurs. While the choice of surgical technique (arthroscopy or traditional surgery) may vary, the results with both are similar. Unfortunately, this disease is progressive, improvement is expected, but not normality. Medical therapy consists of weight control, moderate exercise and antiinflammatory medications. Each case is evaluated for the degree of discomfort and arthritic change before a final treatment choice is elected.
Eye Problems
The most common hereditary eye problem in Anatolians appears to be entropian. This is a painful condition where the lower eyelid inverts, and irritates they eye, often with irreversible damage to the eye. Ectropian is less common, but just as damaging as entropian, this is where the eyelid is loose, and turns outwards. In the USA, the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) will certify eyes for one year if an examination is performed by a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist. In the UK the KC/BVA also run a scheme where they eyes can be tested, the scheme is primarily concerned with the examination of the eye. The lids, lacrimal apparatus and the orbit are referred to as the adnexa, and although any problems with the adnexa will be picked up during testing, the certification itself is for the actual eye, and inherited diseases related to it. It is recommended that eye testing be carried out annually, and the certification is valid for one year only. There are varying guidelines as to when to have the dog tested, and certain diseases must be tested for before a certain age. Luckily, in our breed, we are unaware of any retinal or corneal problems, however, in the U.K, there are too few dogs tested, although there are far more in the USA, and eye testing is a routine procedure breeders seem to take. Again, as with elbows, breeders in the U.K should be encouraged to take part in these schemes, and hopefully, in the future, more owners and breeders will participate for the welfare of our breed.

Dogs with ectropion have a sagging lower eyelid that leaves the eye exposed and dry. It is caused by a lack of tone of the delicate muscles that hold the lid taut against the eye.
The irritation can be temporarily relieved with artificial tears and ointments to lubricate the eye; however, surgery to tighten the lid is usually necessary to correct this problem.

Dogs with entropian have an eyelid that turns inward. It is a problem that typically affects the lower lid. It usually stems from a muscle spasm; however, it can also be caused by scarring from trauma or inflammation from certain diseases that involve the eyelids.
When the eyelid turns inward, the lashes rub against the eye, resulting in irritation, scratchiness, tearing and redness. Surgery is often required to correct the problem.
The most effective treatment for entropion is surgery. Artificial tears can be helpful to ease the irritation caused from the lashes rubbing against the eye.

In the USA, Thyroid Profiles are run on dogs. Hypothyroidism is a problem that seems to run in some bloodlines, it is considered to be a hereditary health issue, associated with poor fertility, bad skin, obesity and in some cases, temperament problems. The OFA will certify a dog as having a normal thyroid profile if the proper testing procedures have been followed, and if carried out by labs at the Michigan State University, or the Cornell University. Unfortunately the status can change, and it is recommended that the test be repeated on a yearly or every other yearly basis.

Hypothyroidism is a multi-systemic disorder resulting from deficient production thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism, and therefore, affects almost every system in the body. Hypothyroidism is a very common endocrine disorder that affects middle-aged dogs. Genetics can play a role in the development of hypothyroidism.

Common signs are weight gain despite limited food intake, lethargy, weakness,poor skin coat (dull or dry coat, oily skin, scales), hair loss or slow hair regrowth, ear and skin infections, cold intolerance, diarrhea, constipation, fatty deposits in the eye, and occasionally seizures. Clinical signs are slow to develop and are only evident when 75% of the thyroid gland is not functioning.
It is diagnosed by a blood test to measure the level of thyroid hormone. Other blood tests may be performed to evaluate other body systems since concurrent diseases such as Cushing's disease (characterized by an abnormal production of steroids) or Diabetes can cause low levels of circulating thyroid hormone. However, controlling these disease processes usually eliminates the need for hypothyroidism treatment. Other systemic illnesses such as kidney and liver insufficiency, heart failure, or immune system disorders can falsely lower thyroid levels and this phenomena is known as euthyroid sick syndrome.
Overdose of thyroid hormone can result in panting, nervousness, increased thirst and urination, increased appetite and weight loss. If you should notice any of these symptoms, please contact your vet so the dose of your pet's medication can be adjusted.
Heart Problems
Unfortunately, as with all diseases in our breed, information is not forthcoming from breeders when problems occur. However, several cases of heart problems have been reported in the form of Cardiomyopathy.

The following information is taken from Malcolm B Willis’ book – Practical Genetics for Dog Breeders:
“Heart and Circulatory Problems – Some heart defects are acquired rather than inherited. When Parvovirus was first seen in the dog it produced a variety of symptoms, one of which involved heart trouble. Parvovirus outbreaks are now less common and even when they do occur it is rare to see associated heart problems. Acquiring heart problems of this kind will not be transferred by genetic means.”

Malcolm Dupries details the condition of Cardiomyopathy below:
“Cardiomyopathy is a term used to describe a condition which occurs to the heart muscle, when one or more diseases cause inflammation and scarring. This inflammation and scarring causes an enlargement of the heart itself, and the chambers within the heart dilate and become less efficient in supplying the body and organs with blood. The end result of a dog suffering from this condition is that the heart muscle will eventually weaken and the dog will develop congestive heart failure, and will die. The articles that the author used in researching this condition stated that the reason dogs develop this condition is unknown, but assumed to be genetic. Exactly how it is inherited is not yet documented, however, the disease appears to be very breed specific. There are some mixed breeds of dogs that have been diagnosed with this condition, but it is extremely rare. The breeds of dog that have documented histories of cardiomyopathy are: Boxers, Cocker Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherd Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds and Saint Bernards. Doberman Pinschers have been most often used in the medical research on this condition. It is important to realise that a dog does not react to illnesses like a human will. The clinical signs of a dog suffering from cardiomyopathy do not appear over a long period of time. The signs often appear over a few days, when in reality, the disease starts at an early age, between two and five years of age. Researchers have discovered that male dogs are asymtomatic until the disease becomes severe, sometime between five and eight years of age. Female dogs are often asymtomatic until they are between nine and twelve years of age. Once the clinical signs appear the dog may already be in the stage of severe heart failure. The following symptoms may indicate a developing heart problem. They could also indicate other conditions as well, only a visit to the dog’s veterinarian for examination can determine what exactly the problem may be. The symptoms can occur with surprising rapidity, making the involvement with a veterinarian imperative as this condition is life-threatening. Observe your animal for unexplained lethargy, weight loss, cough, exercise intolerance, and shortness of breath. Cardiac arrhythmias may cause fainting. If your dog is showing one or more of these problems, get him/her to a veterinarian.”


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